10 Healthy After-School Snacks

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I used to serve my kids Goldfish crackers and granola bars after school. It’s not that Goldfish crackers and granola bars are a terrible option, but the crackers are not very nutritious, and the bars are typically high in sugar and low in protein. But it was easy to serve them something that I knew they would eat.

The past New Year, one of my resolutions was to clean out our cupboards of all the junky snack foods. The reasoning? If it’s not in the house, I can’t serve it. At first, the kids were annoyed. They missed their junky, or semi-junky snacks. I was pleasantly surprised, however, to see how fast they adjusted to their new and improved after-school snacks.

These days, a typical after-school snack in our house may include a cup of VOSKOS® Greek yogurt (they love the plain mixed with a little honey or jam), a hardboiled egg, carrot sticks with hummus for dipping or sliced fruit. They love this snack, and I feel much better about serving it to them.

Of course, it’s good to change things up and avoid serving the same snack every day. So here are a few ideas for healthy, nutritious after-school snacks:

1. VOSKOS® makes a wonderful after-school snack, of course. High in protein, calcium and potassium, it’s a nutritional powerhouse, especially when topped with a handful of nuts and berries.

2. Hardboiled eggs are yummy simply sliced and salted, or make quick, no-fuss deviled eggs by removing the yolks and mixing with a little VOSKOS®, mustard, salt and pepper.

3. Celery sticks or carrot sticks are fun to dip into hummus, or into tzatziki.

4. Apple slices are extra yummy when dipped into plain VOSKOS® mixed with cinnamon.

5. A smoothie makes a nutritious, filling snack.

6. Whole-grain muffins, such as these oatmeal and apple muffins, are a great snack, especially when not overly sweetened.

7. An egg salad sandwich isn’t just for lunch – try a snack of half a sandwich, served with baby carrots.

8. Fresh cut veggies (carrots, celery, broccoli and cauliflower florets) served with yogurt ranch dip.

9. Tortilla chips or veggie strips, dipped in guacamole.

10. Homemade fruit and nut bread is tasty and filling.

If your kids are used to junk, it may take a few weeks for them to get adjusted to healthier fare, but rest assured, they will eventually adjust!