Category Archives: Healthy Eating

Voskos Greek Yogurt has great tips for eating healthy and outstanding recipes that feature our popular variety of greek yogurts.

Blueberries and VOSKOS® Greek Yogurt: Partners in Weight Loss

Blueberries and Greek yogurt have both been linked to weight loss in clinical studies.

For some time, researchers have known about the link between yogurt and losing weight. A 2005 study published in the International Journal of Obesity showed that dieters eating a low-calorie, high-calcium diet that included yogurt lost 81% more belly fat than dieters on a low-calcium diet. And their overall weight loss was 22% higher than the control group.

The other good news from that study? The dieters who ate yogurt burned more fat, and lost less lean muscle mass.
In 2011, a graduate student from Texas Women’s University found that the antioxidants in blueberries inhibited the development of fat cells in mouse tissues. The student, Shiwani Moghe, MS, discovered that blueberry polyphenols may actually inhibit fat gain at the molecular level. And the higher the dose of polyphenols, the greater the reduction of fat content in the tissue sample, according to the research presented at the Experimental Biology 2011 meeting. Blueberry phytochemicals have also been shown to help alleviate high blood sugar in animal studies. High blood sugar is a risk factor in cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

More advantages of blueberries, beyond their high antioxidant content? “Blueberries are relatively low in carbohydrates and high in fiber compared to other fruits,” says registered dietitian Janet R. Mertz.

So, what does this mean? “If you want to lose weight, you can’t go wrong by combining VOSKOS® Greek Yogurt and blueberries,” says registered dietitian Janet R, Mertz. Of course, VOSKOS® offers a pre-mixed non-fat wild Blueberry Greek yogurt flavor, and a Blueberry + Granola variety. “But you can also make your own version by combining VOSKOS® plain Greek yogurt with frozen wild blueberries, found in the fruit section of your grocery’s freezer case,” says Mertz. Wild blueberries are highest in antioxidant capacity per serving, compared with more than 20 other fruits, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Improve Heart Health and Whittle Your Waistline with VOSKOS®

February is Heart Month—and a great time to add heart-healthy Greek yogurt to your diet.

According to the American Heart Association, cardiovascular disease is America’s number one cause of death. Approximately 2,200 Americans die from cardiovascular disease every day.

During February, Americans are encouraged to emphasize heart health by exercising and eating a healthier diet—and Voskos Greek Yogurt can be a part of that, says personal trainer Nikko Generales.

“The first thing everyone should be doing is making an honest attempt at becoming more physically active,” says Generales. “Aim to get at least 30 minutes of physical activity in every day.”

Generales continues, “The second and most obvious measure for heart health is eating smarter. One of the most important things you can do is eliminate empty calories by cutting down on sodas, cakes, cookies, candies, and other sugary desserts. Removing refined carbohydrates from your diet can help you lower your cholesterol, lose weight, and thus lower your risk of heart disease.”

Voskos Greek Yogurt can help with this goal in several ways. “Because it’s high in protein and calcium, Greek yogurt makes you feel full longer, to help you cut down on unhealthy snacking,” says Generales. Unlike most snacks, Voskos Greek Yogurt is nutrient rich. And finally, says Generales, “a diet that includes yogurt has been linked with weight loss in several clinical studies. And obesity is a risk factor for heart disease, so by losing weight, you also reduce your risk of heart disease.”

Pumpkin and VOSKOS® Greek Yogurt – A Match Made in Heaven!

‘Tis the season for everything pumpkin, and the combination of high-fiber pumpkin and creamy, high-protein VOSKOS® Greek yogurt is irresistible! We’ve been experimenting in the kitchen, making all kinds of yummy recipes. We are also fortunate to have several readers make recipes that use pumpkin and VOSKOS® Greek Yogurt.

If you’re excited about the new season as much as we are, we hope you’ll enjoy this collection of recipes. Let’s enjoy the flavors of the season while keeping our food healthy!

pumpkin-muffins-1001. Make VOSKOS® Pumpkin Muffins. These yummy VOSKOS® pumpkin muffins contain about 160 calories, 6 grams of protein and 3 grams fiber. They are very filling. What a great way to start the day, especially in the fall and winter. They are absolutely divine with that first cup of morning coffee or tea.

greek-yogurt-frosting2. Make VOSKOS® frosting for your pumpkin cupcakes. Frosting made with butter or with cream cheese is tasty, but it’s laden with calories and fat. Lighten things up by using VOSKOS® Greek Yogurt as the base for your frosting. You will need to plan ahead, since the yogurt needs to be strained overnight to get rid of the whey, but the savings in calories and in fat are significant. Here’s a recipe for Greek yogurt frosting.

Pumpkin-Peanut-Banana-Soft-Serve-1003. Enjoy a Pumpkin-Peanut Banana Soft Serve, made with banana, pumpkin, VOSKOS®, cottage cheese and peanut flour. What an interesting combination of flavors!

pumpkin-yogurt-1004. Love the taste of pumpkin pie but not the calories? Whip up a bowl of creamy VOSKOS® Pumpkin Yogurt and enjoy the flavor of pumpkin pie, minus the hard work, the time, and the extra pounds!

VOSKOS-Pumpkin-Pie-Smoothie1-1005. Enjoy a refreshing glass of Greek Yogurt Pumpkin Pie Smoothie. 4 grams fiber, 26 grams protein!

pumpkin-soup-1006. Keep yourself warm on a cool fall night with some delicious cream of pumpkin soup, made with VOSKOS® instead of with cream, but just as creamy!

There’s more, of course, including pumpkin pancakes, pumpkin cookies and pumpkin scones -all made with rich, creamy VOSKOS® Greek yogurt. The possibilities are endless!

High Protein Snacks Using VOSKOS® Greek Yogurt

Protein helps you stay satiated longer and avoid dips in blood sugar levels that are typical when your diet is based on simple carbs. The following high-protein snacks are quick, easy, tasty, and will help you last until the next meal, avoiding unnecessary cravings.

1. Half a cup of 2% cottage cheese with 1 cup fresh fruit. This filling snack contains about 150 calories and 16 grams of protein.

2. One can of tuna in water, mixed with ¼ cup VOSKOS® Nonfat Greek Yogurt and chopped green onions, on a thin slice of whole wheat bread. 250 super satisfying calories, and about 30 grams of protein!

3. A slice of whole wheat bread, spread with one tablespoon peanut butter and topped with a sliced banana. 250 calories, 5 grams protein, and the fat in the peanut butter will keep you satiated forever.

4. 2 servings of low fat string cheese with ¼ cup dried fruit (such as raisins). 250 calories, 12 grams protein, and a winning combination of salty and sweet.

5. PBA tablespoon of peanut butter, softened in microwave, mixed into half a cup VOSKOS® Nonfat Greek Yogurt, and topped with a small sliced banana. About 250 calories, 17 grams protein.

6. Scrambled eggs, made with 1 whole egg and 2 egg whites and scrambled in a nonstick skillet sprayed with nonstick spray, then wrapped in a low-carb, high-protein tortilla (such as those made by La Tortilla Factory) with a tablespoon of salsa. The tortilla has 8 grams protein and 80 calories, the eggs add 10 grams of protein and 105 calories, the salsa adds maybe 10 calories (and healthy lycopene!) Total for this snack: about 200 calories and 18 grams protein.

7. Half a cup hummus, served with celery and carrot sticks (about 1 cup veggies). 250 calories, 10 grams protein.

8. smoothieThe perfect summer snack: a fruit and yogurt smoothie, made with VOSKOS® Nonfat Greek Yogurt. Our Pineapple-Strawberry Dream contains about 150 calories and 8 grams protein per serving.

9. 2 ounces low fat ham, 1 ounce low fat cheddar and a sliced tomato, all rolled inside a low-carb tortilla. 200 calories, 25 grams protein.


How VOSKOS® Helps Lactose Intolerants Fight Osteoporosis

As the Baby Boom generation ages, osteoporosis—a disorder where bones become porous and lose density and strength—is becoming a serious threat. The National Osteoporosis Foundation estimates that by 2020, over 60 million Americans will suffer from osteoporosis and low bone mass.

“And that’s a problem, because osteoporosis is such a big risk factor for hip fractures,” says registered dietician, Janet R. Mertz, MS, RD, CDE, CPT. Her suggestion? Add Greek yogurt to your diet. “It offers a good source of calcium and is even safe for those who are lactose intolerant. In fact, a serving of VOSKOS® Plain Non-Fat Greek yogurt includes 20% of the recommended daily value of calcium,” explains Mertz.1

People who have problems digesting dairy products are more likely to suffer from calcium deficiencies, which raises their risk of osteoporosis. 2 According to Mertz, “Look for authentic Greek yogurt. The straining process is found in authentic Greek yogurt whereby excess whey and casein are removed. This method yields less sugar, carbohydrates, and lactose so those who are lactose intolerant can truly enjoy Greek yogurt.”

Mertz, a nutritionist who specializes in geriatrics nutrition and healthy aging, adds, “After menopause, women tend to lose bone mass at an accelerated rate, which can lead to fractures and the inability to be as active as we would prefer.” One study showed that forty percent of hip fracture patients are unable to walk independently, and six in ten still need help walking a year later. 3 “But hip fractures aren’t just painful and debilitating—they can increase mortality rates by up to 20% in the first year after a hip fracture,” says Mertz. According to some studies, there may be a greater risk of dying for up to five years afterwards.4

The higher protein content of VOSKOS® Greek yogurt also makes it a good choice for fighting osteoporosis. One study of the elderly showed that a higher dietary protein intake was associated with a lower rate of age-related bone loss.5 “VOSKOS® Greek Yogurt is my choice because it has up to 24 grams of protein per serving, which means twice as much protein as traditional yogurt,” shares Mertz.

“Greek yogurt has a thick consistency, plus you can make it as sweet as you like,” says Mertz. “My favorite is VOSKOS® Plain Non-Fat Greek yogurt. Add some fruit, your choice of ‘sweetener’, and maybe top it off with some granola and you have a great dessert or morning meal.” More Greek yogurt recipes are available at

VOSKOS® Greek Yogurt has been recognized in food contests presented by Self, Fitness, Women’s Health, Vegetarian Times, Natural Solutions, and Cooking Light magazine. It is also a triple gold winner of the 2010 Los Angeles International Dairy Competition.

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1. NOF (2002) America’s bone health: the state of osteoporosis and low bone mass in our nation.

2. Obermayer-Pietsch BM, Bonelli CM, Walter DE, et al. (2004) Genetic predisposition for adult lactose intolerance and relation to diet, bone density, and bone fractures. J Bone Miner Res 19:42.

3. Leibson CL, Tosteson AN, Gabriel SE, et al. (2002) Mortality, disability, and nursing home use for persons with and without hip fracture: a population-based study. J Am Geriatr Soc 50:1644.

4. Magaziner J, Lydick E, Hawkes W, et al. (1997) Excess mortality attributable to hip fracture in white women aged 70 years and older. Am J Public Health 87:1630.

5. Hannan MT, Tucker KL, Dawson-Hughes B, et al. (2000) Effect of dietary protein on bone loss in elderly men and women: the Framingham Osteoporosis Study. J Bone Miner Res 15:2504.

VOSKOS® Greek Yogurt: Your Weight Loss Secret for Summer

Need to lose weight you gained over the winter? Clinical research proves that a reduced-calorie diet that includes yogurt can encourage fat loss.

It’s swimsuit season again all over America. That means many Americans are seeing our “winter” body for the first time since 2010—and we’re not happy.

“An easy, stress-free way to help lose weight you gained over the winter is to incorporate Greek yogurt into your diet,” says Grothe. “VOSKOS®’ Web site includes dozens of Greek yogurt recipes for low-carbohydrate breakfasts, appetizers, entrees and snacks.”

Several scientific studies have linked weight loss with yogurt consumption, says Grothe. “Greek yogurt has been called a ‘fat-fighting food’ because of its high calcium and protein content. Plain Greek yogurt is also very low in carbohydrates, making it diabetic-friendly.” And a diet that includes yogurt can help target a common “problem area”—belly fat. A study published in the International Journal of Obesity showed that dieters on a high-calcium yogurt lost 81% more belly fat than dieters on a low-calcium diet.

Grothe’s choice? Plain Greek yogurt from VOSKOS®, made by California’s family-owned Sun Valley Dairy.

“A 227 gram (8 oz) serving of plain non-fat VOSKOS® Greek Yogurt contains 24 grams of protein. That’s half of the DV.”

When you add Greek yogurt from Voskos to your summer weight loss strategy, you don’t feel deprived, says Grothe. “A 227 gram (8 oz) serving of VOSKOS® Plain Non-fat Greek Yogurt contains 24 grams of protein—that’s half the recommended daily value. The protein in VOSKOS® Greek Yogurt helps you feel satiated because it takes longer to digest than carbohydrates. If you feel full longer, you’re less likely to graze on junk food.”

VOSKOS® Greek Yogurt has been recognized in awards contests presented by Fitness magazine, Women’s Health, Vegetarian Times, Natural Solutions, Self Magazine and Cooking Light magazine. It is also a triple gold winner of the 2010 Los Angeles International Dairy Competition.

VOSKOS® No-Pudge Pudding for Healthy Kids

With twice the protein and fewer carbs than regular yogurt, a healthy VOSKOS® Greek Yogurt recipe could help fight (childhood) obesity and Type 2 diabetes.

There’s a kid in all of us and it’s no secret that both adults and children love pudding cups. They’re convenient, a common snack, and a perfect addition to packed lunches for millions of kids. It’s also no secret that rates of obesity and Type 2 diabetes are skyrocketing among American children, prompting many parents to seek healthier alternatives to sugary snacks such as pudding cups.

“Incidence rates of Type 2 diabetes among young people have increased significantly over the past 5 years1,” says Lara Field, a Chicago-based pediatric dietitian. “In fact, according to research published last year at John’s Hopkins University School of Medicine, Type 2 diabetes now accounts for about 45% of new cases of diabetes in the pediatric population,” says Field.

“Adding VOSKOS® Greek Yogurt to recipes can help adults and children alike sneak extra protein and calcium into their kids’ diets, while sneaking out some excess sugar,” says Field. “And unlike many pudding cups and yogurt found in the dairy section, VOSKOS® Greek Yogurt contains no artificial colorings, binders, fillers, hydrogenated oils or thickeners,” adds Field.

“Another bonus with VOSKOS® Greek Yogurt is its higher protein content, which helps you feel full, longer,” says Field. “Protein takes longer to digest than carbohydrates, and protein doesn’t cause insulin spikes like sugary snacks.”

VOSKOS® Plain Non-Fat Greek Yogurt contains 24 grams of protein, and just 9 grams of carbohydrates per serving. “It’s much higher in protein and lower in carbohydrates than the typical pudding cups. And this recipe for Cherry Chocolate ‘Pudding’ Cups makes it just as delicious for lunch,” says Field.

VOSKOS® Greek Yogurt Cherry Chocolate “Pudding Cups”
Makes 4 – 3/4 Cup Servings

3 cups VOSKOS® Nonfat Plain Greek Yogurt
28 fresh or frozen dark cherries
4 tbs Torani® sugar-free Dark Cherry syrup
4 tbs Torani sugar-free Chocolate syrup
4 tsp sugar-free, fat-free vanilla pudding mix

1. Defrost and chop cherries to a small dice.
2. Combine all ingredients in a non-reactive mixing bowl and blend until well-mixed.
3. Spoon into four small resealable plastic food storage containers.
4. Refrigerate VOSKOS® Greek Yogurt Cherry Chocolate “Pudding” Cups after mixing.

Nutritional Information Per Serving: Calories 150, Total Fat 0g, Cholesterol 11.25mg, Sodium 245.4mg, Total Carbohydrate 17.63g, Dietary Fiber 1g, Sugars 11.99g. Protein 18.67g

Creating a creamy pudding style dessert with VOSKOS® Greek Yogurt instead of milk is easy because “Greek Yogurt is naturally thick and creamy, with a texture very similar to pudding,” says Field. “What’s more, a recent study showed that a high-protein breakfast, such as yogurt helps reduce post-breakfast blood sugar elevation in the Type 2 diabetics studied by up to 40%. Thus, if your child has diabetes, it is an excellent choice to maintain blood sugar control.”

VOSKOS® Greek Yogurt has been recognized in awards contests presented by Fitness magazine, Women’s Health, Vegetarian Times, Natural Solutions, and Cooking Light magazine. It is also a triple gold winner of the 2010 Los Angeles International Dairy Competition.

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Torani is a registered trademark of R.Torre & Company.

1) Jin YY, Liang L, Fu JF, Wang XM. The prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus and prediabetes in children. Zhonqquo Dang Dai Er Ke Za Zhi (article in Chinese). 2011;13(2):138-40.
2) Mohamadi A, Cooke DW. Type 2 diabetes mellitus in children and adolescents. Adolesc Med State Art Rev. 2010;1:103-19.

VOSKOS® Shares 20 Yummy, Healthy Breakfast Ideas

We can’t possibly take the credit for this post. Our Facebook fans have basically written it for us, offering awesome breakfast ideas when we had asked them, a few weeks ago, to share their favorite breakfast with us.

Here are their – YOUR! – fab ideas:

1. VOSKOS® Vanilla Honey yogurt, diced fresh strawberries, and grapenuts cereal, mixed all together. total YUM! -Stephanie Hesse Colasuonno

2. VOSKOS® and bare naked vanilla granola… yummy!! -Cheryl Senay

3. Whole grain English muffin toasted, with peanut butter, sliced banana and sometimes honey on top-SO good! -Heather from Saving Money, Living Life.

4. Overnight Oats! -Ana Frias

5. VOSKOS® yogurt, a teaspoon of lectin granuals, a slice of toast with fresh marmalade and a multi-vitamin starts my day! -Renee Calhoon

6. VOSKOS® Yogurt, fresh blueberries and a sprinkling of healthy granola or nuts. I have posted this on my fitness page before – it’s a favorite! -Simply active sonja (Sonja Sandholm-Pound)

7. VOSKOS® honey Greek yogurt with fresh fruit, 12 grain toast with Nutella, and a banana.. wouldn’t hurt to add some green tea or Tazo Focus tea. -Elisha Marie Ickes

8. Double berry pancakes or Mango Berry Smoothie -Bethany McGhehey

9. We love yogurt mixed with whole grain cheerios and banana slices! Or peanut butter toast with applesauce. -Jennifer Walker Holmes

10. I like fruit or applesauce topped with vanilla yogurt and Fruit and Nut Granola for breakfast! -Joyce Tremblay

11. VOSKOS® honey vanilla yogurt, banana, strawberries, chia seed, and vanilla almond milk…blended! Great smoothie…breakfast on the go. -Melissa Lynn Kirkland

12. One of my favorite way to eat VOSKOS® is: Plain VOSKOS® Yogurt + 2 teaspoons of honey + crumble feta cheese on top and dive in! Also: Toasted crushed almonds, sprinkle over VOSKOS® Fig Yogurt. -Rob Mikitarian

13. Any flavor VOSKOS® with Grape Nuts sprinkled on top..filling and delicious, and good for you! -Ginny Keenan

14. 1 Vanilla VOSKOS® greek yogurt, 3/4 – 1 cup frozen mixed berries, 1/8-1/4 cup orange juice, 1t agave nectar, blend with ice. Pour in glass, drink with straw! Yum! -Cindy Fraustro

15. Spray a small flat bowl with nonstick spray, beat an egg in it, microwave for 45 seconds. Remove from mic. Microwave a whole grain tortilla for 10 seconds. Dice your egg. Put egg, cheese, pepper and salsa in tortilla for a filling breakfast burrito in under a minute. -Amy Hansen

16. ‎1 Vanilla Honey VOSKOS®, 1/2 cup frozen blueberries, 1 cup Almond Milk and 1 scoop Whey protein powder – blend in blender until smooth- Yum!! -Cathy Rawlinson Lawrence

17. VOSKOS® honey bean yogurt with Back to Nature granola with pumpkin and sunflower see. -Nicole Addison

And here are three more ideas from our own kitchen:

18. Greek yogurt banana pancakes.

19. The simplest breakfast EVER! Thanks Stefan Pinto for the video.

20. Greek yogurt breakfast shake.

Can you add more healthy breakfast ideas? Share them in the comments!